Mompha To Sue Bobrisky Over Libel And Defamation (PHOTOS)

Billionaire, Mompha has threatened to sure crossdresser, Bobrisky over libel and defamation

He wrote on his Instagram account as written below;


I have today through my Solicitors server on the person of Idris Okuneye aka ‘Bobrisky’ a letter of demand for a retraction, apology and compensation of One Billion Naira for the libellous and defamatory publications made and or concerning my person.

All the allegations made by Bobrisky in the said publications are false and calculated attempts to cast aspersions on my integrity.

I however deem it necessary to clarify some of these allegations in the following terms:

– Regarding the aspect of borrowing Bobrisky’s car while in Lagos. I never borrowed a car from him at any point, I only ask him to come with Velar cos that is the only Good Car he has as of March 21, 2020, what an insult ��� Me mompha Borrow when I have my own car in Lagos.

– I never gossiped about Anita Joseph with Bobrisky, I only told him to be careful due to what i heard Anita Joseph say about me when bobrisky and nkechi were having issues on social media. Bobrisky tried to ask me what happened and I refused to tell him and this was clearly stated in the chat.

– Concerning Nkechi Blessing, I only admonish Bobrisky to stop fighting with her as people were beginning to think it was about me.

– Bobrisky invited me to his home to eat and after some days he demanded I pay for the meal I ate and I sent him 1 million naira immediately and Bobrisky posted it on his page.

– I never gossiped about anyone with Bobrisky, if he has proof of any such gossips, he should post it and stop unsending some of our chats.

I urge my fans, lovers and teeming followers to disregard all the falsehood been spread against my person by Bobrisky as further actions are being taken by my legal team to ensure Bobrisky faces the full wrath of the law.

Read Documents Below


In this video, Mompha claimed that he has only met Bobrisky once.



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