“Most people are just going to school because their parents want them to, they don’t even know what they want. It’s all about being rich and happy and not degrees.” __ Kanye West
“I always tell people that College is a choice but highschool is a necessity. A lot of times people go to school because it’s what their parents want them to do, they’re chasing someone elses dream. People go through school and they spend $8000 to $15000 a year and they have no idea what they want.
Before going to school, ask yourself: ‘what do I wanna do with my life?’ Sometimes you just need a couple of years after highschool to get yourself together. The world needs plumbers, the world needs electricians, and creative people. Not degree holders because most determined highschool drop0uts are doing better than most degree holders.
Ultimately, it’s all about being rich, happy, having your family not going to school. If you’re a man and you can provide for your family and be happy then you don’t have any other problem in life. But don’t just drop0ut of school if you’re not focused or you’ll end up in the strēēts.” ~ Kanye West
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